Pistachio, Elderflower and Rose Baklava

You will need…

Almonds (whole)

1/4 cups

Pistachio (whole)

1/2 cups

Belvoir Farm Rose & Elderflower Cordial

1/2 - 3/4 cup (depending on how sweet you like your baklava)

Filo Pastry

1 pack (270g)

Solid butter (then melted)

1/4 cup


1 tsp

Dried rose petals to decorate with




Add your almonds and pistachios (separately) to a blender and pulse until they’re in tiny little pieces.


Prep your butter by allowing it to melt or placing into the microwave for 5-10 seconds. Add your cinnamon and mix well until it’s smooth.


Lay out your filo pastry and brush with butter. Add another sheet on top and brush with butter. Now you can add your chopped pistachios and almonds. Add another sheet on top of that and brush with butter. Repeat the process until you have only one sheet on top.


Cut the pastry up into diamond shapes using a sharp knife.


Brush the final sheet with butter and top with a good drizzle of Belvoir Farm Elderflower & Rose Cordial.


Pop onto a baking tray and place into the oven (preheated according to filo pastry package instructions).


Once golden, take out of the oven and while it’s warm, add another large drizzle of Belvoir Farm Elderflower & Rose Cordial.


Decorate the baklava with pistachios and rose petals.

Don’t forget to tag us in your bakes!